Being the First Chapter in the Song of Robert; in which we
introduce the Hero Robert Eponge, and tell of his first battle, defending the land of the Bretons against a sneaky attack by their cheesy Norman neighbours.
Our song is of
Robert Eponge,
Hero of the land of
Of noble lineage,
Descended from the
great heroes of old.
Conan, for example,
was one of these
(The real one, that is, not
the barbarian).
Robert Eponge,
master swordsman,
Also unsurpassed in
skill at spear-throwing,
As you would expect.
Spear-throwing, you
understand, being a tradition of the Bretons
For which they among
all people excel
(Even compared to
the Welsh).
Though there are
numerous tales of Bob's heroic deeds
Of his slaying of
Saving damsels in
(And that sort of
We don't need go
into them here.
It stands to reason
He is a
well-respected ruler and totally worthy of the role.
Of course he is.
The proud Bretons he
Are a noble,
peace-loving folk and generally all-round good guys.
They are the
descendants of ancient peoples,
Keepers of the old
And respectful
custodians of their lands.
Brittany is after
all a beautiful place
And, understandably,
coveted by jealous foreigners.
The Bretons,
therefore, have many enemies
Most of whom are,
(as is often related in epic poems like this), ignorant pagans
Who have never even
heard of
The Lord God
Let alone behave
like decent folk.
And who therefore
deserve to be utterly wiped off the face of the earth
As is traditional
for those who disagree with peace loving Christians.
The Normans that
live nearby are just that sort of people.
Vagabonds, newly
arrived in adjacent lands,
devil-worshipping foreigners.
They are
troublesome, ambitious and greedy
And intolerant of
their neighbours.
They have no respect
for anyone.
They raid for
plunder and conquest.
Yes they all deserve
to die.
One such Norman goes
by the devilish, frightening and altogether foreign-sounding name of
Who calls himself "le Roux".
(Which we believe is some kind of cheese).
He is an enemy of
Brittany as well as many other nations.
His men yearn for
And are jealous of
the peace-loving Bretons.
Worse, they fight
without honour and use cheesy tricks.
One day these
troublesome Normans move to attack
The peace-loving
people of Brittany,
Their evil hearts
are bent on gold and loot.
News of their
approach soon reaches Brittany
And as they cross
the border lands and attack outlying villages
Robert Eponge comes
forth to face them in battle.
The army of Robert
Eponge is made of many noble horsemen.
Select knights of
his household,
And a contingent of
nobles led by his faithful general
Patrick Etoile,
Who ride beneath the
banner of Brittany.
And as many brave
warriors join them,
Having taken up
spear and horse
To see off the enemy
that has invaded their lands.
It is the early
light of dawn.
The Normans and
Bretons meet at a village on the borders of Brittany
That the enemy have
already occupied, raided, plundered, looted
And eaten all the
As the sun rises and
disperses the morning mist
As the armies see
each other.
The Normans lurk in
the village
Archers on each
flank hiding in cover
(Cowering cowards)
Crossbowmen hiding
in a building in the centre
The only few
Who may look like
noble knights
But actually have
the hearts of common robbers,
On horseback in the
Advance, as if to
The Bretons,
Remain concealed in
the darkness,
Keeping away from
the Norman cowards
That shoot with
impunity at those they can see
from the cover of
buildings and bushes
"Come out and
fight, cheesy Normans"
Brave Bob
But, fearfully the
enemy stays lurking,
Shooting from their
hiding places,
Dealing ignoble
death unfairly upon their noble adversaries.
The Norman knights
But, seeing their
foe before them, hesitate
And then run away.
Covered by their
cowardly archers
They dare not engage
brave Robert's men in noble battle.
(And, some might not
unreasonably say, unwisely),
The Bretons advance.
They throw their
javelins many times
And many of the
enemy fall.
But, lured into the
The Bretons find
themselves at the mercy of the cowardly archers.
Dirty tricksters who
have evidently summoned the power of demons
So that they can
shoot their arrows farther than is humanly possible.
Which is really not
very decent of them given the range of Breton javelins.
And so many brave
Breton knights and warriors fall
Slain by these
cowardly arrows that come out of the darkness.
Patrick Etoile rides
he cries, challenging the cheesy enemy,
Leading his brave
knights to the edge of the village.
The best
spear-throwers of Brittany
Use all their
abilities to throw javelins accurately at the enemy through windows and doors.
The dice are cast,
(A lot of them, with
very good factors in their favour)
But the luck of the
devil is with the enemy and only a single man falls dead.
Finally Patrick
Leads a charge at
the enemy cavalry,
The banner of
Brittany flying gloriously in the wind.
Javelins fly,
Many Norman knights
As well as half of
the enemy crossbowmen,
And the battle is
But the enemy is
fierce in defence,
Yet more cowardly
Slays the flower of
And gives the
Normans time to escape.
The raiders flee
like the cowards they are.
They run back home,
taking their plunder,
Seen off from the
fair fields of Brittany.
The price paid has
been high.
Many are the brave
Breton knights that have died today
On this field of
But it could have
been worse.
(Oh yes).
Thanks be to God
Basculf the Unwashed , Ha you Saga stinks like your smelly arm pits , how many gold coins did Eponge pay you you scum !!!!!! Alain le Roux